The tuition fees listed below are per week.
As on January 1st, 2023, Sunnyside will only be accepting applications and enrolling students that wish to be enrolled in our 5 day programs.
Five Days $540.00
Five Days $510.00
Four Days $460.00
Three Days (M/W/F) $395.00
Application Fee
An application fee of $100.00 will be accessed for every child.
With the expectation of the first time payment, tuition will be due every other week in advance of service. A notice will be posted when payment is due and reminders will be sent out. Payments may be made using checks or Chase QuickPay/Zelle. Checks are payable to Sunnyside Center, Inc.
Late Payment
The Center will assess a $5.00 late payment service charge per business day.
Fee Adjustment
Fees are subject to review by the Center and may be adjusted annually. Notice of the adjustment to the fee schedule will be given to the parents at least one month prior to the change.
Returned Checks
If and when a check is returned an additional $50.00 fee must be paid.
Sibling Discount
If more than one child is enrolled, the Center will give a 5% discount for the tuition of the older child. This discount will continue as long as more than one child is enrolled at the Center.
No refunds will be given for termination or withdrawal from the program. No refunds will be given for illness, vacation, or other reasons for absence.
Charges will be incurred on holidays for which the center is closed. The Center is closed for Federal holidays and teacher in-service days. Updated calendars are available the beginning of each calendar year.
Activity Fee
An additional fee may be incurred for special events. The fee will be charged per event if the event occurs on the child’s scheduled day of attendance. Parents will receive monthly invoices informing them of such fees. This may vary each month and may be paid separately or added to tuition payments.